
Multitails (Limited)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret (Mutated subtype)

Growth of Multiple Tails, can be mixed and matched inside the available trait rarities.
[MYO Rarity, e.g. UC MYO, or with extra trait items per required rarity.]

Long Tail (Plentiful)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

The most common tail, a very long tail that usually tapers off into a thin whip

Thick Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A more thick tail, dinosaurlike

Tufted Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A long tail that has a furred tip

Feline Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A long tail with a mostly even diameter similar to a cat's tail

Nub Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A very short tail, usually bunny or deerlike, but can resemble many short tail shapes and sizes.

Plume (Unusual)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A plumed tail like that of a rooster.

Alternatively horse-tail esque.

Fanned (Unusual)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A tail that fans out, either vertically or horizontally

Knicked (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret (Malformed subtype)

A tail that shows multiple kinks, like sharp angled turns.

Tailless (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret (Malformed subtype)

It is rather uncommon for a ret to not have a tail

Bun Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

R O U ND (A tail that is very ball like in shape)

Curled Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A tail curled like that of a chameleon or Husky

Spaded (Limited)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A tail with a flat tip usually triangular in shape.

Tip can be made from hardened material.

Clubbed (Limited)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A tail with a club like end that can be used for defense.
Club can be spiky or entirely made out of horn like material.

Flat Tailed (Limited)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A flat tail, sometimes rather wide.

Take inspiration from Spinosaurus or platypus.

may not be fin like.

Bone Tail (Mythical)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A tail that consists of floating or interconnected bones, indication of greater magic.

Split Tip (Mythical)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A tail with a split tip is extremely rare and only to be seen on diloret with enormous magical powers

Aquatic Tail (Mythical)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

A tail like a fin, often seen on aquatic dilorets as they aid them moving in the water

Alternate Types

Non Organic Tail (Ascended)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

Consisting of any material like smoke, fire etc. indicates a diloret that has been bestowed with great magical powers

Aquatic Tail (Aquatic) (Plentiful)

Category: Tail
Parent Trait: Aquatic Tail (Mythical)
Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)
20 results found.