

Carnivore (Plentiful)

Category: Diet
Species: Diloret

egEats ONLY Meat - Standard Teeth

Regular Teeth (Plentiful)

Category: Jaw Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Normal Diloret teeth, resemble those of a crocodilian with teeth showing irregularly when the mouth is closed.

No Whiskers (Plentiful)

Category: Head Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Has no whiskers

Whiskers (Plentiful)

Category: Head Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Whiskers like those on a dog or a cat, standard on most diloret.

Double Eared (Plentiful)

Category: Ears
Species: Diloret

The most common amount of ears on a diloret are 2 pairs of ears (4)

Spines (Plentiful)

Category: Crest
Species: Diloret

The normal Spikes usually every Diloret posesses that run along it's neck

Frills (Aquatic) (Plentiful)

Category: Crest
Parent Trait: Frills (Uncommon)
Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)

The spines may form a fin, or be replaced with other types of fins like that of a shark for example.

May also be lizard like or multiple rows like on non organic.

Standard Hands (Plentiful)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Hands that resemble those of reptilians or amphibians.

Standard Feet (Plentiful)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Paws for feet. Can be any type of paw, but most commonly canine-esque.

Normal Essence (Plentiful)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Brightly coloured eyes, matching inner mouth and pawpads.

Half n Half (Plentiful)

Category: Coats
Species: Diloret

Front of the body has silk like skin, back of the body has short fluff

Alternate Types

Common Colours (Plentiful)

Category: Coats
Species: Diloret

Usual Colouration of Diloret.

May be any natural/muted colours, and include small amounts of brightly coloured accents.

All Silk (Aquatic) (Plentiful)

Category: Coats
Parent Trait: All Silk (Uncommon)
Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)

Thick Coat (Winter) (Plentiful)

Category: Coats
Parent Trait: Thick Coat (Rare)
Species: Diloret (Winter subtype)

Long Tail (Plentiful)

Category: Tail
Species: Diloret

The most common tail, a very long tail that usually tapers off into a thin whip

Aquatic Tail (Aquatic) (Plentiful)

Category: Tail
Parent Trait: Aquatic Tail (Mythical)
Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)
17 results found.