Non Organic Horns (Ascended)
Category: Horns
Species: Diloret
Horns that are made out of any material.
these diloret posess a huge amount of magic strenght
Eyes Everywhere (Ascended)
Category: Body Modifiers
A multitude of eyes that can appear anywhere on the body
Genderless (Ascended)
Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret
Genderless Diloret are extremely unnatural, unlike Malformed Rets they are true Genderless creatures, usually only seen in powerful magic rets.
Non Organic Body (Ascended)
Category: Body Modifiers
The body is made out of any material like water or steam etc. These diloret are pure magic.
Non Organic Tail (Ascended)
Category: Tail
Species: Diloret
Consisting of any material like smoke, fire etc. indicates a diloret that has been bestowed with great magical powers
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