Carnivorous Teeth (Common)
Category: Jaw Modifiers
Species: Diloret
Can only be applied to Carnivorous Diloret.
can be similar to dinosaur teeth or those of felines.
Omnivorous Teeth (Common)
Category: Jaw Modifiers
Species: Diloret
may only be applied to omnivores
May resemble any known omnivorous teeth design, minus human. Primates are allowed.
Fangs [Aothyr] (Common)
Category: Jaw Modifiers
Parent Trait: Fangs [Althyr] (Unusual)
Species: Aothyr
Oolong Whiskers (Common)
Category: Head Modifiers
Species: Diloret
Long whiskers similar to those of eastern dragons
Feline Tail (Common)
Category: Tail
Species: Diloret
A long tail with a mostly even diameter similar to a cat's tail
12 results found.