
Fangs [Diloret] (Uncommon)

Category: Jaw Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Bigger Canines or Vampire like Fangs

Tusks [Diloret] (Uncommon)

Category: Jaw Modifiers
Species: Diloret

One or more large Tusk like lower teeth, can be upper teeth but must not point downward.

Razor Teeth (Aquatic) (Uncommon)

Category: Jaw Modifiers
Parent Trait: Razor Teeth (Rare)
Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)

Fangs [Ryukah] (Uncommon)

Category: Jaw Modifiers
Species: Ryukah

Bigger Canines or Vampire like Fangs

Common Horns (Uncommon)

Category: Horns
Species: Diloret

any standard shaped simple horn, always symmetrical unless battle damaged

Frills (Uncommon)

Category: Crest
Species: Diloret

Frills like those of a Reptile or more intricate spikes, like multiple rows and co.

Alternate Types
  • Frills (Aquatic) (Plentiful)
    Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)

    The spines may form a fin, or be replaced with other types of fins like that of a shark for example.

    May also be lizard like or multiple rows like on non organic.

No Spines (Uncommon)

Category: Crest
Species: Diloret

a smooth neck void of any spikes.

Extended Spines (Uncommon)

Category: Crest
Species: Diloret (Mutated subtype)

Bigger spikes and/or spikes that go further down the back and even tail.

Mammalian Hands (Uncommon)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Hands that resemble those of any mammal, most commonly paws

Reptilian Feet (Uncommon)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Feet that resemble those of Reptilians or Amphibians, similar to standard hands.

Mammalian Feet (Uncommon)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Feet that resemble any other mammalian feet other than paws.

Oolong (Uncommon)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Extra long body shape

Stout (Uncommon)

Category: Body Modifiers
Species: Diloret

Extra short body shape

Croak (Aquatic) (Uncommon)

Category: Body Modifiers
Parent Trait: Croak (Unusual)
Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)

Reverse Fluff (Uncommon)

Category: Coats
Species: Diloret (Mutated subtype)

Causes the Silky Skin to be the back of the body and the short fluff on the front

Alternate Types

All Silk (Uncommon)

Category: Coats
Species: Diloret

No fur on the body, the entire body is covered in a silk like skin

Alternate Types

Patterend Fluff (Uncommon)

Category: Coats
Species: Diloret

The fluffy parts of the body appear in patches of full patterns like stripes etc

Scales (Aquatic) (Uncommon)

Category: Coats
Parent Trait: Scales (Rare)
Species: Diloret (Aquatic subtype)

Half n Half (Winter) (Uncommon)

Category: Coats
Parent Trait: Half n Half (Plentiful)
Species: Diloret (Winter subtype)

Front half is Thick Coated, back half is Fluff.

Glimmer (Uncommon)

Category: Markings
Species: Diloret

Basically Glittery Flecks on body

25 results found.